Holiday Sparkle
Posted Dec 12, 2019 by Jacquie Robison

Creating this little wreath decoration to hang on a door handle made for a few hours of festive fun and is a terrific fine motor skills activity.

It doesn't take much $ or prep and you likely have some of the materials in a craft box or in a drawer of odds and ends (c'mon, we all have one of those drawers in our house, amiright?)

-straws (cut into 1" lengths)
-pipe cleaners
-small unbreakable decorations

Use the pipe cleaner as the frame for the wreath. If it's safe for your child to handle scissors, they can cut the straws into 1" lengths.

Once that's complete, your kiddo can build the pattern however they want with the decorations you have on-hand. The cut straws work well to separate the ornaments and provide spacing so they don't all hang at the bottom of the wreath when you hang it on the door handle!

If your little one needs larger pieces, you could substitute big lacing beads, which would also add another pop of color. After the wreath is complete, twist the two ends of the pipe cleaner together to close the round and tie a big piece of ribbon over top.

Wishing everyone a fantastic holiday season.

This entry was posted in crafts, therapy and tagged #crafts #occupational therapy #fine motor skills